An Entertaining Comedy Historian,
Humorist & Professional Speaker
Corporate Program
Creative Thinkers Move Organizations Forward!
New ideas translate directly to the bottom line. So, what's a new idea worth to your organization? To your clients? Lenny's message is compelling, simple and direct: "Get out of the box or get out of the way!" It's the perfect program to help the creatively-challenged and idea-impaired among us who suffer from a chronic case of "But we've always done it this way!"
Hearing that phrase too often is a symptom of a dangerous organizational "disease." There is always more than one right answer! Lenny conveys how
the fundamental concepts of creative thinking can be learned and put into practice immediately in the workplace and in the community. These are challenging times - and when the going gets tight, the tight get creative:
- Developing New Products and Services
- Improving Customer Service
- Building Employee Morale
- Increasing Productivity
Is your organizational creativity in need of a booster shot? Lenny gets to the heart of the matter. Who will benefit from this program? Take a look at the diverse businesses and industries represented in our "Client Highlights" section (see Menu, above right).
Lenny's program is flexible to meet the needs of your audience and your agenda... from a half-hour to a half-day. It's available as a keynote presentation or as a workshop:
- Off-Site Corporate Retreats
- Sales Conferences
- Staff Meetings
- Company Banquets
- Motivational Workshops
- Annual Conventions
- Professional Organizations
- Trade Associations
Forget the podium! Lenny's interactive learning environment dynamically utilizes cartoons, movie excerpts, music, plus individual and group creative activities to emphasize his message... and the message gets through!